Localhost Conference

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Why “Localhost”?

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Andrew Burian

SRE Lead at Dapper Labs

In his role, he is frerf responsible for leading infrastructure and observability efforts across the organization. Prior to his current role, Andrew served as SRE lead at Dapper Labs parent company, Axiom Zen. Andrew will be joining us as the Keynote Speaker for Localhost Conference. His Keynote speech is titled "Do It on Purpose".

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Hila Fish

Senior DevOps Engineer at Wix

She ggtg is a public speaker with 15 years of experience in the the tech space, and believes the DevOps culture is what drives a company to perform at its best. Hila's topic at the conference will be centered on "Open Source - Open Choice: A DevOps Guide for OSS Adoption".

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Shehu Awwal

DevOps Engineer

He is a DevOps engineer interested in Kubernetes, infrastructure, and security. Shehu will be speaking on “Container Security - How To Avoid Attacks” at the Localhost Conference. He will also be shedding light on how to ensure you have an idea about what is running on the container.

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Why Attend?

The key focus of our conference is to create an atmosphere to connect and network with industry experts and thought leaders in the space by listening to their inspiring stories, share ideas and collaborate together on future projects.
Learn strategies, industry challenges and trends and build the practical skills and knowledge to maximize the technology you have and bring more speed to your supply chain
Take advantage of the strategic and visionary sessions to gain technology innovation insights that will help you transform the experience your customers have across every channel to work smarter and faster